On 4/4/06, Scott Marlowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Given that this page:
> http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:%24wgDBtype
> says:
> Use ""mysql"" for working code and ""PostgreSQL"" for development/broken
> code.

The documentation in the MediaWiki wiki isn't always up to date, I suspect.

> I'd guess that PostgreSQL support is not quite at the same level as
> MySQL just yet.  :)

FWIW there's a file "includes/DatabasePostgreSQL.php" in the CVS head 
versions of MediaWiki which has at the top:

 * This is PostgreSQL database abstraction layer.
 * As it includes more generic version for DB functions,
 * than MySQL ones, some of them should be moved to parent
 * Database class.
 * STATUS: Working PG implementation of MediaWiki
 * TODO: Installer support
 * @package MediaWiki

(There's also "includes/DatabaseOracle.php" but it doesn't say
anything about status).

Ian Barwick

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TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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