I have a java application that is trying to dynamically drop a set of tables. Problem is, when it gets to a particular table and I execute the "drop table foo cascade" command from a prepared statement, the query never returns. It just hangs indefinitely. I presume that it is waiting on a lock for this table, but there is nothing that I know of that should be locking this table.

So, I have two issues - the first, how do I prevent myself from hanging indefinitely? I tried 'setQueryTimeout' on the prepared statement, but it doesn't seem to have any effect. Still hangs indefinitely.

The second, how can I track down what is locking this table? I presume that it is some of my code somewhere... maybe a prepared statement that I didn't get closed - but I can't find it. I've check my code twice for any reference to this table, and every use of it is properly closing the result sets and the prepared statement.

Any ideas?



Daniel Armbrust
Biomedical Informatics
Mayo Clinic Rochester

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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