On 05/09/2006 03:47:20 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
"Karl O. Pinc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I'm wondering if there's a problem with pg_dump --create,
> or if I'm just missing something.
> It does not seem to restore things like:
> ALTER DATABASE foo SET "DateStyle" TO European;
> Shouldn't the database that is re-created be like
> the database that is being dumped?

I don't see any particular problem with leaving it to pg_dumpall, in
any case.  pg_dump is already assuming that you've correctly set up
cluster-wide state; for example it doesn't create users for you.

Thing is, I don't see the ALTER DATABASE x SET ... to be part of
a cluster-wide structure, I see it as belonging to a database.
(I do see your point as far as database owners go.)
The convenient way to backup and restore a single database
is to use pg_dump.  I could do a pg_dumpall --schema-only and
then remove everything not having to do with the specific db
I'm interested in when I want to, say, copy a database from
one machine to another, but it's a hassle.

The SETs make a big difference.  I was looking in the wrong
schema because I didn't restore my database's my search_path

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