On miĆ°, 2007-01-10 at 17:38 -0800, Mike Poe wrote:
> I'm a rank newbie to Postgres & am having a hard time getting my arms
> around this.
> I'm trying to construct a query to be run in a PHP script.  I have an
> HTML form were someone can enter either a last name or a social
> security number & then query the database based on what they entered.
> My query looks like this:
> SELECT foo, baz, bar FROM public.table WHERE lastname ~* '$lastname' OR
> ssn='$ssn'"
> I need to leave the last name a wildcard in case someone enters a
> partial name, lower case / upper case, etc.

note that you really should not be using values directly from
user input for $lastname and $ssn without doing some sanity
checks on them. consider for example the user submitting a
string containing a quote character.

most languages provide functions to make such input safe.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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