
Am Montag, 22. Jan 2007, 10:25:33 -0600 schrieb Bruno Wolff III:
> I didn't give an opinion on whether or not the whole approach was a good
> idea or not, since there wasn't enough detail in the original question.

What I want to do is the following:

  1. Login in from a program on a client as a particualar user.
  2. Login from a series of scripts run by Apache on localhost
     ('trust' authentication method). Of course, I won't hand the
     password through web pages. Therefore I store something like a
     'session cookie' in a table. Next time I log in as a superuser,
     read the appropriate entry and immediately do a "set session
     autorization". The first step can be done in two ways: (a) I write
     a special login routine, (b) I log in as any other script and do
     the password check against pg_authid using the function I proposed.

Before I decide how I will solve it: thanks a lot for your
answers and for the discussion.


Bertram Scharpf
Stuttgart, Deutschland/Germany

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