I dont have the replication setup on my machine right now but I guess as far
as I remember you can surely check for the master and slave nodes from a
Slony schema table.

Shoaib Mir
EnterpriseDB (www.enterprisedb.com)

On 19 Jan 2007 08:25:23 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am using LinuxHA to manage the failover and Slony as part of to
failover to move to the healthy node.  But my question was more along
the lines, if a user has access to both databases (master and slave)
but does not know which one is which, how can you tell?

Take a scenario: you configure 2 servers as master and slave.  You walk
for a period of time during which a number failovers occur.  You come
back.  Can I query a sl_???? table to determine which server is the
current master and which one is the current slave?

Thank you,


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