RPK wrote:
How is FireBird rated when compared with PostgreSQL?
I used to be a big time user of Firebird, but then I discovered PostgreSQL and have never looked back. Firebird has only a few built in functions even the simple ones are missing. To get the built in functionality of PostgreSQL's built in functions, you have to use UDFs compiled in C,C++ or Delphi/Kylix/Free Pascal.
Many times these UDFs are unstable and can crash the whole server.

Firebird also uses a single file for the database that must be referenced like this:\program files\data\mydatabase.fdb
There is no transaction log, no way to do log shipping etc.
This is nice for a embedded system, but not for a robust enterprise class database. They do have the ability to set alias for the connection path, but it's a manual setup process in the conf file.

Firebird as of 2.x still does not have temp tables and it is limited to one stored proc language.

If need a embedded database Firebird is a good choice, however if you want a serious database that can compete
with Oracle or M$ SQL server then look no further than PostgreSQL :-)

Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of PG Lightning Admin for Postgresql
Your best bet for Postgresql Administration

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