Thanks all for the information. Summary is:

- 8.0 wasn't very strict, and allowed the illegal values in, instead of mapping them over into UTF-8 space
- the values can be stripped with iconv -c
- 8.2 should be more strict

I'm in the midst of my upgrade to 8.2 now, hopefully the LATIN1->UTF8 conversion will now map the odd characters cleanly into UTF space.

On 17-May-07, at 3:25 PM, Michael Glaesemann wrote:

On May 17, 2007, at 16:47 , PFC wrote:

and put that in the form. Instead of being mapped to 2-byte UTF8 high-bit equivalents, they are going into the database directly as one-byte values > 127. That is, as illegal UTF8 values.

        Sometimes you also get HTML entities in the mix. Who knows.
All my web forms are UTF-8 back to back, it just works. Was I lucky ? Normally postgres rejects illegal UTF8 values, you wouldn't be able to insert them...

8.0 and earlier weren't quite as strict as it should have been. See the note at the end of the migration instuctions in the release notes for 8.1[1] That may have been part of the issue here.

Michael Glaesemann
grzm seespotcode net

[1]( release-8-1.html#AEN80196)

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