Tom Lane wrote:
> "George Pavlov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I tried the patch and it has no effect whatsoever -- even with the
> > patch, under the correct load the corrupted entries are coming fast and
> > furious (I found a load profile on my app that reproduces these very
> > clearly).
> What are the total lengths of the log entries in which you see the
> failure?  (The "length" here includes all the lines belonging to a
> single logical entry, eg, ERROR, DETAIL, HINT.)
> I believe that this shouldn't be happening except in the case in which
> the entry-interpolated-into exceeds PIPE_BUF bytes.  I'm not entirely
> sure what PIPE_BUF is on Linux machines, but IIRC the Posix spec says it
> has to be at least 512, and on older Unix kernels it tends to be 8K.

4096, although for some archs it may be bigger (it's the page size).

Alvaro Herrera                      
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.

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