
Mikhail Gribkov <youzhick(at)gmail(dot)com> writes:

> > Honestly I'm not entirely sure fixing only two switched words is worth the
> > effort, but the declared goal is clearly achieved.
> > I think the patch is good to go, although you need to fix code formatting.
> I took a brief look at this.  I concur that we shouldn't need to be
> hugely concerned about the speed of this code path.  However, we *do*
> need to be concerned about its maintainability, and I think the patch
> falls down badly there: it adds a chunk of very opaque and essentially
> undocumented code, that people will need to reverse-engineer anytime
> they are studying this function.  That could be alleviated perhaps
> with more work on comments, but I have to wonder whether it's worth
> carrying this logic at all.  It's a rather strange behavior to add,
> and I wonder if many users will want it.

I encounter this problem all the time. I don't know, whether my clients are representative. But I see the problem, when the developers show me their code base all the time. It's an issue for column names and table names alike. I personally spent hours watching developers trying various permutations. They rarely request this feature. Usually they are to embarrassed for not knowing their object names to request anything in that state. But I want the database, which I support, to be gentle and helpful to the user under these circumstances.

Regarding complexity: I think the permutation matrix is the thing to easily get wrong. I had a one off bug writing it down initially. I tried to explain the conceptual approach better with a longer comment than before.

                 * Only consider mirroring permutations, since the three simple rotations are already                  * (or will be for a later underscore_current) covered above.
                 * The entries of the permutation matrix tell us, where we should copy the tree segments to.                  * The zeroth dimension iterates over the permutations, while the first dimension iterates
                 * over the three segments are permuted to.
                 * Considering the string A_B_C the three segments are:
                 * - before the initial underscore sections (A)
                 * - between the underscore sections (B)
                 * - after the later underscore sections (C)

If anything is still unclear, I'd appreciate feedback about what might be still unclear/confusing about this. I can't promise to be helpful, if something breaks. But I have practically forgotten how I did it, and I found it easy to extend it like described below. It would have been embarrassing otherwise. Yet this gives me hope, it should be possible to enable others the same way. I certainly want the code simple without need to reverse-engineer anything. Please let me know, if there are difficult to understand bits left around.

> One thing that struck me is that no care is being taken for adjacent
> underscores (that is, "foo__bar" and similar cases).  It seems
> unlikely that treating the zero-length substring between the
> underscores as a word to permute is helpful; moreover, it adds
> an edge case that the string-moving logic could easily get wrong.
> I wonder if the code should treat any number of consecutive
> underscores as a single separator.  (Somewhat related: I think it
> will behave oddly when the first or last character is '_', since the
> outer loop ignores those positions.)

I wasn't sure how there could be any potential future bug with copying zero-length strings, i.e. doing nothing. And I still don't see that.

There is one point I agree with: Doing this seems rarely helpful. I changed the code, so it treats sections delimited by an arbitrary amount of underscores. So it never permutes with zero length strings within. I also added functionality to skip the zero length cases if we should encounter them at the end of the string. So afaict there should be no zero length swaps left. Please let me know whether this is more to your liking.

I also replaced the hard limit of underscores with more nuanced limits of permutations to try before giving up.

> > And it would be much more convenient to work with your patch if every next
> > version file will have a unique name (maybe something like "_v2", "_v3"
> > etc. suffixes)
> Please.  It's very confusing when there are multiple identically-named
> patches in a thread.

Sorry, I started with this, because I confused cf bot in the past about whether the patches should be applied on top of each other or not.

For me the cf-bot logic is a bit opaque there. But you are right, confusing patch readers is definitely worse. I'll try to do that. I hope the attached format is better.

One question about pgindent: I struggled a bit with getting the right version of bsd_indent. I found versions labeled 2.2.1 and 2.1.1, but apparently we work with 2.1.2. Where can I get that?

diff --git a/src/backend/parser/parse_relation.c b/src/backend/parser/parse_relation.c
index 864ea9b0d5..e3e0931178 100644
--- a/src/backend/parser/parse_relation.c
+++ b/src/backend/parser/parse_relation.c
@@ -579,32 +579,13 @@ GetCTEForRTE(ParseState *pstate, RangeTblEntry *rte, int rtelevelsup)
 	return NULL;				/* keep compiler quiet */
- * updateFuzzyAttrMatchState
- *	  Using Levenshtein distance, consider if column is best fuzzy match.
- */
 static void
-updateFuzzyAttrMatchState(int fuzzy_rte_penalty,
-						  FuzzyAttrMatchState *fuzzystate, RangeTblEntry *rte,
-						  const char *actual, const char *match, int attnum)
+updateFuzzyAttrMatchStateSingleString(int fuzzy_rte_penalty,
+							FuzzyAttrMatchState *fuzzystate, RangeTblEntry *rte,
+							const char *actual, const char *match, int attnum, int matchlen)
-	int			columndistance;
-	int			matchlen;
-	/* Bail before computing the Levenshtein distance if there's no hope. */
-	if (fuzzy_rte_penalty > fuzzystate->distance)
-		return;
-	/*
-	 * Outright reject dropped columns, which can appear here with apparent
-	 * empty actual names, per remarks within scanRTEForColumn().
-	 */
-	if (actual[0] == '\0')
-		return;
 	/* Use Levenshtein to compute match distance. */
-	matchlen = strlen(match);
-	columndistance =
+	int columndistance =
 		varstr_levenshtein_less_equal(actual, strlen(actual), match, matchlen,
 									  1, 1, 1,
 									  fuzzystate->distance + 1
@@ -667,6 +648,142 @@ updateFuzzyAttrMatchState(int fuzzy_rte_penalty,
+static void putUnderscores(char* string, int start, int underscore_amount, int len) {
+	for (int i = 0; start + i < len && i < underscore_amount; i++)
+		string[start + i] = '_';
+ * updateFuzzyAttrMatchState
+ *	  Using Levenshtein distance, consider if column is best fuzzy match.
+ */
+static void
+updateFuzzyAttrMatchState(int fuzzy_rte_penalty,
+						FuzzyAttrMatchState *fuzzystate, RangeTblEntry *rte,
+						const char *actual, const char *match, int attnum)
+	/* Memory segment to store the current permutation of the match string. */
+	char* tmp_match;
+	int matchlen		 = strlen(match);
+	/* We keep track how many permutations we have already processed, to avoid long runtimes. */
+	int underscore_permutations_count = 0;
+	/* The location the underscore we currently process within the match string. */
+	int underscore_current = 1;
+	/* Variables to track the amount of underscores delimiting sections */
+	int underscore_amount = 1;
+	int underscore_second_amount = 1;
+	/* Bail before computing the Levenshtein distance if there's no hope. */
+	if (fuzzy_rte_penalty > fuzzystate->distance)
+		return;
+	/*
+	 * Outright reject dropped columns, which can appear here with apparent
+	 * empty actual names, per remarks within scanRTEForColumn().
+	 */
+	if (actual[0] == '\0')
+		return;
+	updateFuzzyAttrMatchStateSingleString(fuzzy_rte_penalty, fuzzystate, rte, actual, match, attnum, matchlen);
+	/* We don't want to permute zero length strings, so check whether the string starts with an underscore. */
+	if (match[0] == '_') {
+		while (underscore_current < matchlen - 1 && match[underscore_current] == '_') {
+			underscore_current++;
+		}
+	}
+	/* Advance to the next underscore. We do this once here to avoid pallocing, if the string does't contain an underscore at all. */
+	while (underscore_current < matchlen - 1 && match[underscore_current] != '_') {
+		underscore_current++;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Check for permuting up to three sections separated by underscores.
+	 *
+	 * We count the number of underscores here, because we want to know whether we should consider
+	 * permuting underscore separated sections.
+	 */
+	if (underscore_current < matchlen - 1) {
+		tmp_match = palloc(matchlen);
+		tmp_match[matchlen] = '\0';
+		while (underscore_permutations_count < 300 && underscore_current < matchlen - 1) {
+			/*
+			 * If sections contain more than one underscore, we want to swap the sections separated by more than one instead.
+			 * There would be no point in swapping zero length strings around.
+			 * So we check how many consecutive underscores we have here.
+			 */
+			underscore_amount = 1;
+			while (underscore_current + underscore_amount < matchlen && match[underscore_current + underscore_amount] == '_') {
+				underscore_amount++;
+			}
+			/* Stop if we reached the end of the string. */
+			if (underscore_current + underscore_amount == matchlen) {
+				underscore_current = matchlen;
+				break;
+			}
+			/* Consider swapping two sections. */
+			memcpy(tmp_match, &match[underscore_current + underscore_amount], matchlen - underscore_current - underscore_amount);
+			for (int i = 0; i < underscore_amount; i++) {
+				tmp_match[matchlen - underscore_current + i - 1] = '_';
+			}
+			memcpy(&tmp_match[matchlen - 1 - underscore_current + underscore_amount], match, underscore_current);
+			updateFuzzyAttrMatchStateSingleString(fuzzy_rte_penalty + 1, fuzzystate, rte, actual, tmp_match, attnum, matchlen);
+			underscore_permutations_count++;
+			/*
+			 * Consider swapping three sections.
+			 *
+			 * Skip this is if we tried to many permutations (underscore_permutations_count) already, to avoid long times for the user.
+			 * Otherwise just loop through all places, where can potentially find an underscore delimited section,
+			 * which is delimited by the same amount of underscores.
+			 */
+			for (int underscore_second_current = underscore_current + 1 + underscore_amount;
+					underscore_permutations_count < 200 && underscore_second_current < matchlen - underscore_amount;
+					underscore_second_current += underscore_second_amount) {
+				underscore_second_amount = 1;
+				/* Advance to a second underscore delimiter. */
+				if (match[underscore_second_current] != '_')
+					continue;
+				/* Determine how many underscores we have delimiting the potential second section. */
+				while (underscore_second_current < matchlen - underscore_second_amount && match[underscore_second_current + underscore_second_amount] == '_')
+					underscore_second_amount++;
+				/* Advance, if we either reached the end of the string or the amount of underscores does not match. */
+				if (underscore_second_current >= matchlen - underscore_second_amount || underscore_amount != underscore_second_amount)
+					continue;
+				/*
+				 * Only consider mirroring permutations, since the three simple rotations are already
+				 * (or will be for a later underscore_current) covered above.
+				 *
+				 * The entries of the permutation matrix tell us, where we should copy the tree segments to.
+				 * The zeroth dimension iterates over the permutations, while the first dimension iterates
+				 * over the three segments are permuted to.
+				 * Considering the string A_B_C the three segments are:
+				 * - before the initial underscore sections (A)
+				 * - between the underscore sections (B)
+				 * - after the later underscore sections (C)
+				 */
+				int permutation_matrix[3][3] = {{underscore_second_current - underscore_current, 0, underscore_second_current + underscore_amount},
+						{matchlen - underscore_current, matchlen - underscore_second_current, 0},
+						{0, matchlen - underscore_second_current + underscore_current + underscore_amount, underscore_current + underscore_amount}};
+				/* We now loop over the mirroring permutations one by one. */
+				for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
+					memcpy(&tmp_match[permutation_matrix[k][0]], match, underscore_current); // A
+					putUnderscores(tmp_match, permutation_matrix[k][0] + underscore_current, underscore_amount, matchlen);
+					memcpy(&tmp_match[permutation_matrix[k][1]], &match[underscore_current + underscore_amount], underscore_second_current - underscore_current - underscore_amount); // B
+					putUnderscores(tmp_match, permutation_matrix[k][1] + underscore_second_current - underscore_current - underscore_amount, underscore_amount, matchlen);
+					memcpy(&tmp_match[permutation_matrix[k][2]], &match[underscore_second_current + underscore_amount], matchlen - underscore_second_current - underscore_amount); // C
+					putUnderscores(tmp_match, permutation_matrix[k][2] + matchlen - underscore_second_current - underscore_amount, underscore_amount, matchlen);
+					tmp_match[matchlen] = '\0';
+					updateFuzzyAttrMatchStateSingleString(fuzzy_rte_penalty + 1, fuzzystate, rte, actual, tmp_match, attnum, matchlen);
+				}
+				underscore_permutations_count += 3;
+			}
+			underscore_current++;
+			while (underscore_current < matchlen - 1 && match[underscore_current] != '_') {
+				underscore_current++;
+			}
+		}
+		pfree(tmp_match);
+	}
  * scanNSItemForColumn
  *	  Search the column names of a single namespace item for the given name.
diff --git a/src/test/regress/expected/select.out b/src/test/regress/expected/select.out
index 33a6dceb0e..c16e58ffa9 100644
--- a/src/test/regress/expected/select.out
+++ b/src/test/regress/expected/select.out
@@ -968,3 +968,9 @@ explain (costs off) select * from list_parted_tbl;
 (2 rows)
 drop table list_parted_tbl;
+-- Test hints for underscore swap in attnames without explicitly creating a table.
+select checked_din_5008 from (select false my_col, false checkd_d_500, true din_5008_checked) foo;
+ERROR:  column "checked_din_5008" does not exist
+LINE 1: select checked_din_5008 from (select false my_col, false che...
+               ^
+HINT:  Perhaps you meant to reference the column "foo.din_5008_checked".
diff --git a/src/test/regress/sql/select.sql b/src/test/regress/sql/select.sql
index 019f1e7673..8dc1846d7d 100644
--- a/src/test/regress/sql/select.sql
+++ b/src/test/regress/sql/select.sql
@@ -262,3 +262,7 @@ create table list_parted_tbl1 partition of list_parted_tbl
   for values in (1) partition by list(b);
 explain (costs off) select * from list_parted_tbl;
 drop table list_parted_tbl;
+-- Test hints for underscore swap in attnames without explicitly creating a table.
+select checked_din_5008 from (select false my_col, false checkd_d_500, true din_5008_checked) foo;

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