Our PostGIS bot that follows master branch has been crashing for past couple
of days on one of our tests


I traced the issue down to this commit:

The issue can be exercised without postgis installed as follows:

CREATE TABLE edge_data AS 
SELECT i AS edge_id, i + 1 AS start_node, i + 2 As end_node
FROM generate_series(1,10) AS i;

  WITH edge AS (
    SELECT start_node, end_node
    FROM edge_data
    WHERE edge_id = 1
  SELECT start_node id FROM edge UNION
  SELECT end_node FROM edge;

If I run using UNION ALL, this works fine:

  WITH edge AS (
    SELECT start_node, end_node
    FROM edge_data
    WHERE edge_id = 1
  SELECT start_node id FROM edge UNION ALL
  SELECT end_node FROM edge;


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