
On Sun, Mar 31, 2024 at 01:05:40PM -0400, Joe Conway wrote:
> But it has always bothered me how many patches get applied to the upstream
> tarballs by the OS package builders. Some of them, e.g. glibc on RHEL 7,
> include more than 1000 patches that you would have to manually vet if you
> cared enough and had the skills. Last time I looked at the openssl package
> sources it was similar in volume and complexity. They might as well be
> called forks if everyone were being honest about it...

I think this more an artifact of how RHEL development works, i.e. trying
to ship the same major version of glibc for 10 years, but still fix lots
of bugs and possibly some performance improvements your larger customers
ask for. So I guess a lot of those 1000 patches are just cherry-picks /
backports of upstream commits from newer releases.

I guess it would be useful to maybe have another look at the patches
that are being applied for apt/yum.postgresql.org for the 18 release
cycle, but I do not think those are a security problem. Not sure about
RPM builds, but at least in theory the APT builds should be

What would be a significant gain in security/trust was an easy
service/recipe on how to verify the reproducibility (i) by independently
building packages (and maybe the more popular extensions) and comparing
them to the {apt,yum}.postgresql.org repository packages (ii) by being
able to build the release tarballs reproducibly.


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