FAILED: src/interfaces/ecpg/test/sql/sqljson_jsontable.c
--regression -I../../Desktop/pg_src/src6/postgres/src/interfaces/ecpg/test/sql
-I../../Desktop/pg_src/src6/postgres/src/interfaces/ecpg/include/ -o
WARNING: unsupported feature will be passed to server
ERROR: syntax error at or near ";"
need an extra closing parenthesis?

    The rows produced by <function>JSON_TABLE</function> are laterally
    joined to the row that generated them, so you do not have to explicitly join
    the constructed view with the original table holding <acronym>JSON</acronym>
-   data.
need closing para.

SELECT * FROM JSON_TABLE('[]', 'strict $.a' COLUMNS (js2 text  PATH
'$' error on empty error on error) EMPTY ON ERROR);
should i expect it return one row?
is there any example to make it return one row from top level "EMPTY ON ERROR"?

+ {
+ JsonTablePlan *scan = (JsonTablePlan *) plan;
+ JsonTableInitPathScan(cxt, planstate, args, mcxt);
+ planstate->nested = scan->child ?
+ JsonTableInitPlan(cxt, scan->child, planstate, args, mcxt) : NULL;
+ }
first line seems strange, do we just simply change from "plan" to "scan"?

+ typenameTypeIdAndMod(pstate, rawc->typeName, &typid, &typmod);
+ /*
+ * Use implicit FORMAT JSON for composite types (arrays and
+ * records) or if a non-default WRAPPER / QUOTES behavior is
+ * specified.
+ */
+ if (typeIsComposite(typid) ||
+ rawc->quotes != JS_QUOTES_UNSPEC ||
+ rawc->wrapper != JSW_UNSPEC)
+ rawc->coltype = JTC_FORMATTED;
per previous discussion, should we refactor the above comment?

+/* Recursively set 'reset' flag of planstate and its child nodes */
+static void
+JsonTablePlanReset(JsonTablePlanState *planstate)
+ if (IsA(planstate->plan, JsonTableSiblingJoin))
+ {
+ JsonTablePlanReset(planstate->left);
+ JsonTablePlanReset(planstate->right);
+ planstate->advanceRight = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ planstate->reset = true;
+ planstate->advanceNested = false;
+ if (planstate->nested)
+ JsonTablePlanReset(planstate->nested);
+ }
per coverage, the first part of the IF branch never executed.
i also found out that JsonTablePlanReset is quite similar to JsonTableRescan,
i don't fully understand these two functions though.

SELECT * FROM JSON_TABLE(jsonb'{"a": {"z":[1111]}, "b": 1,"c": 2, "d":
91}', '$' COLUMNS (
c int path '$.c',
d int path '$.d',
id1 for ordinality,
NESTED PATH '$.a.z[*]' columns (z int path '$', id for ordinality)
doc seems to say that duplicated ordinality columns in different nest
levels are not allowed?

"currentRow" naming seems misleading, generally, when we think of "row",
we think of several (not one) datums, or several columns.
but here, we only have one datum.
I don't have good optional naming though.

+ case JTC_EXISTS:
+ {
+ Node   *je;
+ CaseTestExpr *param = makeNode(CaseTestExpr);
+ param->collation = InvalidOid;
+ param->typeId = contextItemTypid;
+ param->typeMod = -1;
+ je = transformJsonTableColumn(rawc, (Node *) param,
+  NIL, errorOnError);
+ colexpr = transformExpr(pstate, je, EXPR_KIND_FROM_FUNCTION);
+ assign_expr_collations(pstate, colexpr);
+ typid = exprType(colexpr);
+ typmod = exprTypmod(colexpr);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ elog(ERROR, "unknown JSON_TABLE column type: %d", rawc->coltype);
+ break;
+ }
+ tf->coltypes = lappend_oid(tf->coltypes, typid);
+ tf->coltypmods = lappend_int(tf->coltypmods, typmod);
+ tf->colcollations = lappend_oid(tf->colcollations, get_typcollation(typid));
+ tf->colvalexprs = lappend(tf->colvalexprs, colexpr);

why not use exprCollation(colexpr) for tf->colcollations, similar to

+-- Should fail (JSON arguments are not passed to column paths)
+ jsonb '[1,2,3]',
+ '$[*] ? (@ < $x)'
+ COLUMNS (y text FORMAT JSON PATH '$ ? (@ < $x)')
+ ) jt;
+ERROR:  could not find jsonpath variable "x"

the error message does not correspond to the comments intention.
also "y text FORMAT JSON" should be fine?

only the second last example really using the PASSING clause.
should the following query work just fine in this context?

create table s(js jsonb);
insert into s select '{"a":{"za":[{"z1": [11,2222]},{"z21": [22,
234,2345]}]},"c": 3}';
SELECT sub.* FROM s,JSON_TABLE(js, '$' passing 11 AS "b c", 1 + 2 as y
COLUMNS (xx int path '$.c ? (@ == $y)')) sub;

I thought the json and text data type were quite similar.
should these following two queries return the same result?

xx int path '$.c',
nested PATH '$[1]' columns (NESTED PATH '$.z21[*]' COLUMNS (a12
jsonb path '$'))

c int path '$.c',
NESTED PATH '$[1]' columns (z json path '$')
)) sub;

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