Hello Tomas,

14.04.2024 20:09, Tomas Vondra wrote:
I've pushed this, including backpatching the two fixes. I've reduced the
amount of data needed by the test, and made sure it works on 32-bits too
(I was a bit worried it might be sensitive to that, but that seems not
to be the case).

I've discovered that that test addition brings some instability to the test.
With the following pageinspect/Makefile modification:
-REGRESS = page btree brin gin gist hash checksum oldextversions
+REGRESS = page btree brin $(shell printf 'brin %.0s' `seq 99`) gin gist hash 
checksum oldextversions

echo "autovacuum_naptime = 1" > /tmp/temp.config
TEMP_CONFIG=/tmp/temp.config make -s check -C contrib/pageinspect
fails for me as below:
ok 17        - brin                                      127 ms
not ok 18    - brin                                      140 ms
ok 19        - brin                                      125 ms
# 4 of 107 tests failed.

The following change:
-CREATE TABLE brin_parallel_test (a int, b text, c bigint) WITH (fillfactor=40);
+CREATE TEMP TABLE brin_parallel_test (a int, b text, c bigint) WITH 
(similar to e2933a6e1) makes the test pass reliably for me.

Best regards,

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