"Guo, Adam" <adam...@amazon.com> writes:
> I would like to report an issue with the pg_trgm extension on
> cross-architecture replication scenarios. When an x86_64 standby
> server is replicating from an aarch64 primary server or vice versa,
> the gist_trgm_ops opclass returns different results on the primary
> and standby.

I do not think that is a supported scenario.  Hash functions and
suchlike are not guaranteed to produce the same results on different
CPU architectures.  As a quick example, I get

regression=# select hashfloat8(34);
(1 row)

on x86_64 but

postgres=# select hashfloat8(34);
(1 row)

on ppc32 thanks to the endianness difference.

> Given that this has problem has come up before and seems likely to
> come up again, I'm curious what other broad solutions there might be
> to resolve it?

Reject as not a bug.  Discourage people from thinking that physical
replication will work across architectures.

                        regards, tom lane

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