On 18.03.24 01:09, Erik Wienhold wrote:
The error message 'syntax error at or near "$oo" of jsonpath input' for
the second case ($.f$oo), however, looks as if the scanner identifies
'$oo' as a variable instead of contiuing the scan of identifier (f$oo)
for the member accessor.  Looks like a bug to me because a variable
doesn't even make sense in that place.
Right. Maybe the docs should be updated to say that a literal dollar
sign isn’t supported in identifiers, unlike in JavaScript, except
through escapes like this:
Unfortunately, I don't have access to that part of the SQL spec.  So I
don't know how the jsonpath grammar is specified.

The SQL spec says that <JSON path identifier> corresponds to Identifier in ECMAScript.

But it also says,

    A <JSON path identifier> is classified as follows.


    a) A <JSON path identifier> that is a <dollar sign> is a <JSON path
       context variable>.

    b) A <JSON path identifier> that begins with <dollar sign> is a
       <JSON path named variable>.

    c) Otherwise, a <JSON path identifier> is a <JSON path key name>.

Does this help? I wasn't following all the discussion to see if there is anything wrong with the implementation.

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