On 01.03.24 22:49, Jacob Champion wrote:
If we're interested in ALPN negotiation in the future, we may also
want to look at GREASE [1] to keep those options open in the presence
of third-party implementations. Unfortunately OpenSSL doesn't do this
automatically yet.

If we don't have a reason not to, it'd be good to follow the strictest
recommendations from [2] to avoid cross-protocol attacks. (For anyone
currently running web servers and Postgres on the same host, they
really don't want browsers "talking" to their Postgres servers.) That
would mean checking the negotiated ALPN on both the server and client
side, and failing if it's not what we expect.

I've been reading up on ALPN. There is another thread that is discussing PostgreSQL protocol version negotiation, and ALPN also has "protocol negotiation" in the name and there is some discussion in this thread about the granularity oft the protocol names.

I'm concerned that there appears to be some confusion over whether ALPN is a performance feature or a security feature. RFC 7301 appears to be pretty clear that it's for performance, not for security.

Looking at the ALPACA attack, I'm not convinced that it's very relevant for PostgreSQL. It's basically just a case of, you connected to the wrong server. And web browsers routinely open additional connections based on what data they have previously received, and they liberally send along session cookies to those new connections, so I understand that this can be a problem. But I don't see how ALPN is a good defense. It can help only if all other possible services other than http implement it and say, you're a web browser, go away. And what if the rogue server is in fact a web server, then it doesn't help at all. I guess there could be some common configurations where there is a web server, and ftp server, and some mail servers running on the same TLS end point. But in how many cases is there also a PostgreSQL server running on the same end point? The page about ALPACA also suggests SNI as a mitigation, which seems more sensible, because the burden is then on the client to do the right thing, and not on all other servers to send away clients doing the wrong thing. And of course libpq already supports SNI.

For the protocol negotiation aspect, how does this work if the wrapped protocol already has a version negotiation system? For example, various HTTP versions are registered as separate protocols for ALPN. What if ALPN says it's HTTP/1.0 but the actual HTTP requests specify 1.1, or vice versa? What is the actual mechanism where the performance benefits (saving round-trips) are created? I haven't caught up with HTTP 2 and so on, so maybe there are additional things at play there, but it is not fully explained in the RFCs. I suppose PostgreSQL would keep its internal protocol version negotiation in any case, but then what do we need ALPN on top for?

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