On Wed, Apr 24, 2024 at 4:01 PM Alena Rybakina <lena.riback...@yandex.ru>

> I tested the main postgres branch with and without your fix using a script
> that was written by me. It consists of five scenarios and I made a
> comparison in the logs between the original version of the master branch
> and the master branch with your patch:
 Hi! Thanks for the tests.

I have attached a test file (vacuum_check_logs.sql)
Looking at the script, you won't trigger the problem. The reporting issue
will only happen if there's a parallel index vacuum and it will only happen
if there's at least 2 indexes [0]. You will need to create an additional

The same script was run, but using vacuum verbose analyze, and I saw the
> difference again in the fifth step:
> with your patch: buffer usage: 32312 hits, 607 misses, 1566 dirtied
> master: buffer usage: 32346 hits, 573 misses, 1360 dirtied
Isn't there a chance for the checkpointer to run during this time? That
could make the conditions between the two runs slightly different and
explain the change in buffer report.


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