I just upgraded PostgreSQL from 21 March CVS (rc1?) to May 19 16:21 GMT CVS.
I found that all my cgi/fcg scripts which use libpq++ stopped working in
the vague sense of apache mentioning an internal server error. Relinking
them cured the problem (had to do this in haste => unfortunately no more

-rwxr-xr-x  1 postgres  postgres  154795 Mar 21 21:28 libpq++.so.3.1
-rwxr-xr-x  1 postgres  postgres  155212 May 21 14:48 libpq++.so.3.2

is the change. The programs using libpq only (not lipq++ as well) worked as
before. I am sorry, I don't have an error message to say how it is broken,
but I do have a slight feeling that maybe the major shared library number
could have been bumped up...

Ah... A clue!

Undefined PLT symbol "ConnectionBad__12PgConnection" (reloc type = 7, symnum
= 132)

quartz% nm -g libpq++.so.3.1 | grep ConnectionBad
000025e8 T ConnectionBad__12PgConnection
quartz% !:s/1/2/
nm -g libpq++.so.3.2 | grep ConnectionBad
000024fc T ConnectionBad__C12PgConnection

RCS file:
retrieving revision 1.10
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -u -r1.10 -r1.11
--- pgconnection.h      2001/02/10 02:31:30     1.10
+++ pgconnection.h      2001/05/09 17:29:10     1.11

-   int ConnectionBad();
+   bool ConnectionBad() const;

So I would suggest that the major number be bumped, leaving a small window
since 9 May with a problem..



---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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