>>Or was the code incorrectly used?
Hard for me to say, but I think its about caller context. The way I am using it might be different ... hey the function was static ... copy & paster be warned!

The code appears to be doing the same thing as the backend (with the exclusion of backend stuff like HasCTZSet and forced conversions). I plan to do an extensive test sometime today. So far, I am getting the correct timestamp conversions across the board.


Michael Meskes wrote:
On Sun, Dec 09, 2007 at 11:54:25AM -0500, Andrew Chernow wrote:
That explains why my libpq code was getting 3AM for "without time zone" values. I am using code from src/interfaces/ecpg/pgtypeslib/timestamp.c timestamp2tm(). That uses localtime() after converting the timestamp to an epoch value. I changed this code so that it calls gmtime() for TIMESTAMPOID and localtime() for TIMESTAMPTZOID. Now it works perfectly :)

Does this mean pgtypeslib is buggy? This code has been taken from the
backend ages ago, so some changes might have occured that I'm not aware
of. Or was the code incorrectly used?


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