
Well, after a month the July CommitFest is officially closed. At this point, we're operating with the defacto rule that commitfests shouldn't last more than a month.

Because some patches are still being discussed, they've been moved over automatically to the September commitfest. A much large number of patches are now in "returned with feedback"; if your patch is in there, probably hackers is waiting for some kind of response from you.

Lots of stuff was committed, too.  8.4 is looking very exciting.

Post-mortem things we've learned about the commitfest are:

1) It's hard to get anything done in June-July.

2) The number of patches is going to keep increasing with each commitfest. As such, the patch list is going to get harder to deal with. We now urgently need to start working on CF management software.

3) Round Robin Reviewers didn't really work this time, aside from champion new reviewer Abhjit. For the most part, RRR who were assigned patches did not review them for 2 weeks. Two areas where this concept needs to be improved: a) we need to assign RRR to patches two days after the start of commitfest, not a week later; b) there needs to be the expectation that RRR will start reviewing or reject the assignment immediately.

4) We need to work better to train up new reviewers. Some major committer(s) should have worked with Abhjit, Thomas and Martin particularly on getting them to effectively review patches; instead, committers just handled stuff *for* them for the most part, which isn't growing our pool of reviewers.

5) Patch submitters need to understand that patch submission isn't fire-and-forget. They need to check back, and respond to queries from reviewers. Of course, a patch-tracker which automatically notified the submitter would help.

6) Overall, I took a low-nag-factor approach to the first time as commitfest manager. This does not seem to have been the best way; I'd suggest for september that the manager make more frequent nags.

Finally: who wants to be CF Manager for September? I'm willing to do it again, but maybe someone else should get a turn.


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