On Wed, 9 Sep 2009, decibel wrote:

What might be more useful is a view that takes the guesswork out of using pg_depend. Namely, convert (ref)classid into a catalog table name (or better yet, what type of object it is), (ref)objid into an actual object name, and (ref)objsubid into a real name.

Here's V1 of a depend unraveler I needed recently and that's saved me a bunch of time:

  c1.oid as relid,
  n1.nspname || '.' || c1.relname as relation,
    WHEN c1.relkind='r' THEN 'table'
    WHEN c1.relkind='i' THEN 'index'
    WHEN c1.relkind='S' THEN 'sequence'
    WHEN c1.relkind='v' THEN 'view'
    WHEN c1.relkind='c' THEN 'composite'
    WHEN c1.relkind='t' THEN 'TOAST'
    ELSE '?'
  END as "kind",
  c2.oid as relid,
  n2.nspname || '.' || c2.relname as dependency,
    WHEN c2.relkind='r' THEN 'table'
    WHEN c2.relkind='i' THEN 'index'
    WHEN c2.relkind='S' THEN 'sequence'
    WHEN c2.relkind='v' THEN 'view'
    WHEN c2.relkind='c' THEN 'composite'
    WHEN c2.relkind='t' THEN 'TOAST'
    ELSE '?'
  END as "kind"
  pg_depend d,
  pg_class c1,
  pg_namespace n1,
  pg_class c2,
  pg_namespace n2
  d.objid = c1.oid AND
  c1.relnamespace = n1.oid AND
  n1.nspname NOT IN('information_schema', 'pg_catalog') AND
  n1.nspname !~ '^pg_toast' AND

  d.refobjid = c2.oid AND
  c2.relnamespace = n2.oid AND
  n2.nspname NOT IN('information_schema', 'pg_catalog') AND
  n2.nspname !~ '^pg_toast' AND

  c1.oid != c2.oid

GROUP BY n1.nspname,c1.relname,c1.oid,c1.relkind,
ORDER BY n1.nspname,c1.relname;

I could throw this on the Wiki as a code snippet if anyone else wanted to tinker with it.

* Greg Smith gsm...@gregsmith.com http://www.gregsmith.com Baltimore, MD

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