Le mardi 15 décembre 2009 à 06:30:15, Greg Smith a écrit :
> [...]
> > BTW, this list is listed as the list for tech questions in the pgAdmin
> > tips, therefore if you don't want to be disturb, you might want to
> > remove it from the pgAdmin tips.
> When I look at http://www.pgadmin.org/support/ for example it suggests
> the right list.  I only see this one listed in the Translation section,
> as the place to ask to get added to the translators list.  Does anyone
> know where the tips section suggesting people send tech questions to
> pgsql-hackers he's referring to is at?  That seems like it should be
> cleaned up to point to the pgAdmin list instead if that's floating
> around there somewhere.

Sorry Greg, it's fixed now.

> Fred, if you could recall exactly what path you followed to end up here
> and let us know, we can try to keep someone else from being confused and
> instead directed to the right place more directly.  It would be a nice
> gesture on your part to end our conversation here having done something
> useful, rather than with you just venting at me.

Yeah, it would be interesting to know.


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