
Josh Berkus wrote:
Dave wrote:
and frankly,
isn't the way this project generally works.

Isn't it? We didn't even support Windows for quite a long time. We still have lots more active Unix developers and knowledge that Windows ones. And isn't there some "scratch your own itch" philosophy in every OSS project?

But why is that *this* project's job to solve?  It's already the case
that contrib modules (or PostgreSQL) are not buildable on Windows in an
automated fashion.  And that Windows does not ship with developer tools.
That's not PGAN's fault.

I'm with Josh here, get a PGAN up and running. Make it accessible via web to promote extensibility of Postgres and availability of extensions.

Whether the first incarnation of the PGAN client works on Windows or Linux doesn't matter for now.


Markus Wanner

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