I've been waiting for the latest FDW patches as patiently as I can, and I've been reviewing them this morning, in particular the file_fdw patch and how it interacts with the newly exposed COPY API. Overall it seems to be a whole lot cleaner, and the wholesale duplication of the copy code is gone, so it's much nicer and cleaner. So now I'd like to add a new option to it: "textarray". This option would require that the foreign table have exactly one field, of type text[], and would compose all the field strings read from the file for each record into the array (however many there are). This would require a few changes to contrib/file_fdw/file_fdw.c and a few changes to src/backend/commands/copy.c, which I can probably have done in fairly short order, Deo Volente. This will allow something like:

        t text[]
   )  SERVER file_server
   OPTIONS (format 'csv', filename '/path/to/ragged.csv', textarray
   SELECT t[3]::int as a, t[1]::timestamptz as b, t[99] as not_there
   FROM arr_text;




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