On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 3:06 PM, Daniel Farina <dan...@heroku.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 2:41 PM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
>> Daniel Farina <dan...@heroku.com> writes:
>>> On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 1:16 PM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
>>>> I'd be inclined to eat the cost of calling PQparameterStatus every time
>>>> (which won't be that much) and instead try to optimize by avoiding the
>>>> GUC-setting overhead if the current value matches the local setting.
>>>> But even that might be premature optimization.  Did you do any
>>>> performance testing to see if there was a problem worth avoiding?
>>> Nope; should I invent a new way to do that, or would it be up to
>>> commit standard based on inspection alone?  I'm okay either way, let
>>> me know.
>> Doesn't seem that hard to test: run a dblink query that pulls back a
>> bunch of data under best-case conditions (ie, local not remote server),
>> and time it with and without the proposed fix.  If the difference
>> is marginal then it's not worth working hard to optimize.
> Okay, will do, and here's the shorter and less mechanically intensive
> naive version that I think is the baseline: it doesn't try to optimize
> out any GUC settings and sets up the GUCs before the two
> materialization paths in dblink.

The results.  Summary: seems like grabbing the GUC and strcmp-ing is
worthwhile, but the amount of ping-ponging between processes adds some
noise to the timing results: utilization is far short of 100% on
either processor involved.  Attached is a cumulative diff of the new
version, and also reproduced below are the changes to v2 that make up

## Benchmark

SELECT dblink_connect('benchconn','dbname=contrib_regression');

    iterations integer;
iterations := 0;

        WHILE iterations < 300000 LOOP
          PERFORM * FROM dblink('benchconn', 'SELECT 1') AS t(a int);
          iterations := iterations + 1;
        END LOOP;

        RETURN iterations;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

SELECT clock_timestamp() INTO TEMP beginning;
SELECT bench();
SELECT clock_timestamp() INTO TEMP ending;

SELECT 'dblink-benchmark-lines';
SELECT ending.clock_timestamp - beginning.clock_timestamp
FROM beginning, ending;

## Data Setup

CREATE TEMP TABLE bench_results (version text, span interval);

no-patch,@ 41.308122 secs
no-patch,@ 36.63597 secs
no-patch,@ 34.264119 secs
no-patch,@ 34.760179 secs
no-patch,@ 32.991257 secs
no-patch,@ 34.538258 secs
no-patch,@ 42.576354 secs
no-patch,@ 39.335557 secs
no-patch,@ 37.493206 secs
no-patch,@ 37.812205 secs
v2-applied,@ 36.550553 secs
v2-applied,@ 38.608723 secs
v2-applied,@ 39.415744 secs
v2-applied,@ 46.091052 secs
v2-applied,@ 45.425438 secs
v2-applied,@ 48.219506 secs
v2-applied,@ 43.514878 secs
v2-applied,@ 45.892302 secs
v2-applied,@ 48.479335 secs
v2-applied,@ 47.632041 secs
v3-strcmp,@ 32.524385 secs
v3-strcmp,@ 34.982098 secs
v3-strcmp,@ 34.487222 secs
v3-strcmp,@ 44.394681 secs
v3-strcmp,@ 44.638309 secs
v3-strcmp,@ 44.113088 secs
v3-strcmp,@ 45.497769 secs
v3-strcmp,@ 33.530176 secs
v3-strcmp,@ 32.9704 secs
v3-strcmp,@ 40.84764 secs

=> SELECT version, avg(extract(epoch from span)), stddev(extract(epoch
from span))
   FROM bench_results
   GROUP BY version;
  version   |    avg     |      stddev
 no-patch   | 37.1715227 | 3.17076487912923
 v2-applied | 43.9829572 | 4.30572672565711
 v3-strcmp  | 38.7985768 | 5.54760393720725

## Changes to v2:

--- a/contrib/dblink/dblink.c
+++ b/contrib/dblink/dblink.c
@@ -2981,9 +2981,11 @@ initRemoteGucs(remoteGucs *rgs, PGconn *conn)
 static void
 applyRemoteGucs(remoteGucs *rgs)
- int i;
  const int numGucs = sizeof parseAffectingGucs / sizeof *parseAffectingGucs;

+ int i;
+ int addedGucNesting = false;
  * Affected types require local GUC manipulations.  Create a new
  * GUC NestLevel to overlay the remote settings.
@@ -2992,14 +2994,27 @@ applyRemoteGucs(remoteGucs *rgs)
  * structure, so expect it to come with an invalid NestLevel.
  Assert(rgs->localGUCNestLevel == -1);
- rgs->localGUCNestLevel = NewGUCNestLevel();

  for (i = 0; i < numGucs; i += 1)
+ int gucApplyStatus;
  const char *gucName   = parseAffectingGucs[i];
  const char *remoteVal = PQparameterStatus(rgs->conn, gucName);
+ const char *localVal  = GetConfigOption(gucName, true, true);

- int gucApplyStatus;
+ /*
+ * Attempt to avoid GUC setting if the remote and local GUCs
+ * already have the same value.
+ */
+ if (strcmp(remoteVal, localVal) == 0)
+ continue;
+ if (!addedGucNesting)
+ {
+ rgs->localGUCNestLevel = NewGUCNestLevel();
+ addedGucNesting = true;
+ }

  gucApplyStatus = set_config_option(gucName, remoteVal,


Attachment: dblink-guc-sensitive-types-v3.patch
Description: Binary data

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