On 28 May 2013 17:53, Josh Berkus <j...@agliodbs.com> wrote:

> On 05/28/2013 08:38 AM, Szymon Guz wrote:
> > I've found a potential bug. Why the "->" operator returns JSON instead of
> > TEXT? It doesn't make sens for me, and the documentation doesn't inform
> > about that.
> Yes, it most certainly does:
> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/static/functions-json.html
> If you want to get text, use the ->> operator.
Yea, I noticed that. It was a little bit misleading for me that "->" is for
getting field and "->>" is for getting field as text. Especially when
"->"::TEXT doesn't return the same value as "->>".
Maybe there should be added "as JSON" to those operators which don't return


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