Just tried a make runcheck with source from Dec  4 15:13 GMT, and:

Core was generated by `postgres'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
#0  ExecGetTupType (node=0x8453978) at execProcnode.c:744
744                                     slot = 
(gdb) bt
#0  ExecGetTupType (node=0x8453978) at execProcnode.c:744
#1  0x80e6f6e in InitPlan (operation=CMD_INSERT, parseTree=0x837bb68, 
    plan=0x8453978, estate=0x8453bc0) at execMain.c:585
#2  0x80e69a0 in ExecutorStart (queryDesc=0x8453b94, estate=0x8453bc0)
    at execMain.c:124
#3  0x81404bc in ProcessQuery (parsetree=0x837bb68, plan=0x8453978, 
    dest=Debug, completionTag=0xbfbfb1a4 "Ô±¿¿|à\023\bP³\"\b\n")
    at pquery.c:214
#4  0x813e6b1 in pg_exec_query_string (query_string=0x837b01c, dest=Debug, 
    parse_context=0x8367444) at postgres.c:838
#5  0x813f991 in PostgresMain (argc=9, argv=0x8266000, 
    username=0x8268120 "prlw1") at postgres.c:2016
#6  0x80fb21f in main (argc=9, argv=0xbfbfb310) at main.c:234
#7  0x8069e84 in ___start ()

I think it had just got to the initdb..

(gdb) print *node
$1 = {type = T_HashJoin, startup_cost = 2.9250000000000003, 
  total_cost = 50.049999999999997, plan_rows = 370, plan_width = 172, 
  state = 0x8453bc0, instrument = 0x0, targetlist = 0x8453a4c, qual = 0x0, 
  lefttree = 0x8452874, righttree = 0x84538ec, extParam = 0x0, locParam = 0x0, 
  chgParam = 0x0, initPlan = 0x0, subPlan = 0x0, nParamExec = 0}
(gdb) print *node->hashjoinstate
There is no member named hashjoinstate.




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