On Tue, May 31, 2016 at 11:22 AM, Josh berkus <j...@agliodbs.com> wrote:
>> I think we can hope that developers are going to be less confused about
>> that than users.
> Makes sense.

Maybe EXPLAIN doesn't have to use the term parallel worker at all. It
can instead use a slightly broader terminology, possibly including the
term "core".

> One more consistency question: what's the effect of running out of
> max_parallel_workers?
> That is, say max_parallel_workers is set to 10, and 8 are already
> allocated.  If I ask for max_parallel_X = 4, how many cores to I use?

Well, it depends on the planner, of course. But when constrained only
by the availability of worker processes, then your example could use 3
cores -- the 2 remaining parallel workers, plus the leader itself.

> Presumably the leader isn't counted towards max_parallel_workers?


Peter Geoghegan

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