
Personnally I'm fine with a pager, so vertical spacing is fine. I just do
not like paging horizontally.

​-1​ [...]

​If I was going to try and read it like a book I'd want the extra
white-space to make doing so easier (white-space gives the eye a breather
when done with a particular concept) - and the length wouldn't really
matter since I'd just make a single pass and be done with it.  But the
planned usage is for quick lookup of options that you know (or at least
suspect) exist and which you probably have an approximate idea of how they
are spelled.  The all-caps and left-justified block headers are distinct
enough to scan down - though I'd consider indenting 4 spaces instead of 2
to make that even easier (less effort to ignore the indented lines since
ignoring nothing is easier than ignoring something).​  Having more fit on
one screen makes that vertical skimming considerably easier as well (no
break and re-acquire when scrolling in a new page).

Interesting and fine arguments!

So I'll agree that in an absolute sense reading the whole of the content in
its condensed form is more difficult than if there were blank lines in
between each block, but usability for the intended purpose is better in the
current form.

As far as usability is concerned, I most often use the "/" pager search feature, or page down to scan everything. Both uses are not really hampered by skipping lines, but I can leave with that as well.

Help formatting could be an option, but that would require more coding and I'm not sure of the i18n aspect.

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