A thread on parallelization made me wonder so I took a look:

 - src/bin/*/parallel.c uses threads on WIN32
 - src/bin/*/parallel.c uses fork() on not-WIN32

   (Ditto src/bin/pg_basebackup/pg_basebackup.c and

   A quick look at the functions called on the child side of fork()
   makes me think that it's unlikely that the children here use
   async-signal-safe functions only.

   Why not use threads on all systems where threads are available when
   we'd use threads on some such systems?  If this code is thread-safe
   on WIN32, why wouldn't it be thread-safe on POSIX?  (Well, naturally
   there may be calls to, e.g., getpwnam() and such that would not be
   thread-safe on POSIX, and which might not exist on WIN32.  But I
   mean, aside from that, if synchronization is done correctly on WIN32,
   what would stop that from being true on POSIX?)

 - fork() is used in a number of places where execl() or execv() are
   called immediately after (and exit() if the exec fails).

   It would be better to use vfork() where available and _exit() instead
   of exit().

   Alternatively posix_spawn() should be used (which generally uses
   vfork() or equivalent under the covers).

   vfork() is widely demonized, but it's actually quite superior
   (performance-wise) to fork() when all you want to do is exec-or-exit
   since no page copying (COW or otherwise) needs be done when using

   It's actually safer to use vfork() because POSIX limits one to
   async-signal-safe functions between fork() and exec-or-exit...  With
   fork(), where neither the parent nor the child immediately execs-or-
   exits, it's too easy to fail to make sure that the code they execute
   is fork-safe.  Whereas with vfork() the fact that the parent (just
   the one thread, incidentally, not all of them[*]) blocks until the
   child execs-or-exits means it's impossible to fail to notice a
   long-running child that does lots of fork-unsafe work.

   It's safer still to use posix_spawn(), naturally.

In Unix-land it's standard practice to ignore the async-signal-safe
requirement when using fork() early on in a daemon's life to start
worker processes.  This is fine, of course, though if we're using
CreateProcess*()/_spawn() on WIN32 anyways, it might be best to do the
equivalent on Unix and just spawn the children -- if nothing else, this
would reduce the likelihood of unintended divergence between WIN32 and


[*] Actually, I do believe that on Solaris/Illumos vfork() stops all
    threads in the parent, if I remember correctly anyways.  Linux's and
    NetBSD's vfork() only stops the one thread in the parent that called
    it.  I haven't checked other BSDs.  There was a patch for NetBSD to
    stop all threads in the parent, but I convinced the NetBSD community
    to discard that patch.

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