On 07/10/17 18:15, Tom Lane wrote:
> Petr Jelinek <petr.jeli...@2ndquadrant.com> writes:
>> On 07/10/17 04:19, Tom Lane wrote:
>>> (edit: a few minutes later, I seem to remember that equivclass.c has
>>> to do something special with the X=X case, so maybe it could do
>>> something else special instead, with little new overhead.)
>> So I wrote prototype of achieving this optimization and it seems to be
>> really quite simple code-wise (see attached). I did only a limited
>> manual testing of this but I don't see any negative impact on planning time.
> No, I'm afraid you didn't read that comment closely enough.  This will
> flat out fail for cases like "select ... where x=x order by x", because
> there will already be a single-element EC for x and so the clause will
> just disappear entirely.  If that doesn't happen, then instead you're
> creating an EC with duplicate entries, which is an idea I seriously
> dislike; the semantics of that don't seem clear at all to me.

Hmm it did not disappear (and worked fine in SQL level tests). I don't
think I fully understand the "EC with duplicate entries" part and what's
the problem with it so I'll defer to your wisdom there.

> What I was imagining was that having detected X=X, instead of "throwing
> back" the clause as-is we could throw back an X IS NOT NULL clause,
> along the lines of the attached.

Right, I wanted to avoid messing with the incoming result info, but if
we don't want to call the code bellow or write tons of code for this, I
guess it's the best we can do.

> This passes the smell test for me in the sense of not adding any
> significant number of planner cycles except when the weird case occurs.
> It leaves something on the table in that there are some situations
> where X=X could be converted, but we won't do it because we don't see
> the clause as being a potential EC (because it's not at top level),
> as in the second new regression test case below.  I think that's
> probably all right; I don't see any way to be more thorough without
> adding a lot of new cycles all the time, and I don't believe this is
> worth that.

My code had same issue. I think going deeper would require quite a bit
of new code (and cycles) for something that's even less likely to happen
than simple X=X while the current patch is quite cheap win.

  Petr Jelinek                  http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
  PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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