Bruce Momjian said:
> Andrew Dunstan wrote:
>> 2 things.
>> I submitted a patch for this 5 months ago, which is still waiting to
be  merged (hope it hasn't bitrotted in the meantime):
>> . Allow log lines to include session-level information, like database
and user
>> If nobody is working on this I am prepared to look at it:
>> . Allow logging of only data definition(DDL), or DDL and modification
> Yes, sorry I haven't gotten back to that, and yes the DDL idea is a good
> For the log idea, I think we need to get a way to merge all the
> per-line info into one setup, so pid, timestamp, user, etc would all be
configurable using your setup.

I thought we had thrashed this out back in August. Certainly the only
thing I recall seeing after I submitted the patch was some stylistic
criticism from Neil, which I addressed in a revised patch.

Anyway, it is in principle doable. That's partly why I adopted a printf
style format string. There are some wrinkles, though:
. interaction with syslog pid/timestamp logging
. making sure the info is available when you need to log it - I had to
rearrange a few thing to avoid getting SEGVs, IIRC.

Also, the session duration logging part of the patch is orthogonal to the



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