Stephen wrote:

The vacuum delay patch is not the ideal solution but it worked like a charm
on my servers. I really need the vacuum delay patch or a better solution in
7.5. I'm getting millions of requests a month and running VACUUM without the
patch makes PostgreSQL useless for many consecutive hours. Not quite the
24/7 system I was hopping for. :-(

Unfortunately, it's rather difficult to patch so many machines as my entire
system runs on Redhat RPMs. I'm really hopping to see a solution to this
VACUUM problem in 7.5. I've been waiting for this fix for over 3 years and
now it's almost there.

Will this problem get addressed in the not so official TODO list?

Well, I had a few different "versions" of vacuum delay stuff out as patches, together with ARC and the beginnings of the background writer. Instead of getting some numbers on those, the whole discussion got stuck in differences about how we actually let the background writer tell the kernel "do something" ... the whole sync(), fsync(), fdatasync(), fadvise() discussion.

I don't have the time to make enough different attempts to find the one that pleases all. My argument still is that all this IO throttling and IO optimizing is mainly needed for dedicated servers, because I think that if you still run multiple services on one box you're not really in trouble yet. So in the first round a configurable sync() approach would do. So far nobody even agreed to that.

I currently have better to do. We do not have a big IO problem, we have other problems, and I spend my time on solving them. If someone wants to pick up the IO throttle problem, I am allways here to help, but I will not waste my time with making patches nobody even gives a try.

Thanks and keep up the good work!

Sorry for the venting, but I needed that out.


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# Let's break this rule - forgive me.                                  #
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