Hi all!

Sorry for my latencies.
An IRC chat is ok for me, anytime.

On Sun, Feb 22, 2004 at 08:08:00PM +0100, Thomas Hallgren wrote:
> I'm in Sweden. Some time tuesday evening (european time) perhaps?
> Why is your work not made public somewhere? The project on sourceforge is
> inactive it seems. Do you have a CVS setup privately?

Yes, actualy, the sf.net cvs was used very rarely, so I simply droped it
after a while. Now we use the CVS on Dave`s server, but it will move to
a new server.

> > Not to minimize your work, as I think it is great, but this particular
> > use-case I consider to be overkill for pl/java. It is probably easier to
> > use pl/pgsql if all you want to do is calculations.
> >
> Not to minimize your work, but if the only thing you want to do is to send a
> request to a servlet, that is very easy to do with Pl/Perl ;-)
> Seriously, when I say calculations, I mean any computed value that doesn't
> involve database accesses. It could for instance be an implementation of a
> soundex algorithm comparing two values or something similar like graphic
> image matching. Regardless if such things can be implemented in pgsql or
> not, the fact that there's a bunch of downloadable Java code out there that
> can be used, with little or no effort, is enough to motivate my statement.

Java in the database has quite a lot of advantages, and most people
would prefer using java instead of learning one more language for stored
procedures. If we can show that it can be stable and portable, people
will love it. It is their problem what they use it for :))
I think one could use it for sending data into message queues, call
validation with EJB methods, do complex analisis on it, check if a key
exists in another database(db platform independent distributed RDBMS),
or whatever, it would make a DB realy inteligent, and would help a lot
keeping 2 tier systems out of trouble.

Laszlo Hornyak

> Regards,
> Thomas Hallgren

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