Tom Lane wrote:
Fernando Nasser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Please remind me again why the postmaster cannot close and open the log file when it receives a SIGHUP (to re-read configuration)?

(a) Because it never opened it in the first place --- the log file is
whatever was passed as stderr.

(b) Because it would not be sufficient to make the postmaster itself
close and reopen the file; every child process would have to do so also.
Doing this in any sort of synchronized fashion seems impossible.

Now I remember. Thanks for reminding me of that.

It's much cleaner to have stderr be a pipe to some separate collector
program that can handle log rotation (ie, the Apache solution).

We could also create a pipe and start a new process ("logger") and give it the other end of the pipe and the name of the log file. We could send it a SIGHUP after we reread the configuration file.

But just doing a pipe on the OS level is way simpler.

I don't really care on how its done, but IMO an enterprise class database must be able to do log rotation. Logging to Syslog is not an option (specially with our verbosity) -- users must be able to use flat files for logging.

I never seem some many customer complaints and bug reports about a single item like the ones we have received here about logging. I think this should be the number 1 item in te TODO list.

Thanks again for the clarifications.


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