On Sat, Mar 13, 2004 at 10:36:23AM -0500, Fernando Nasser wrote:
> Lamar Owen wrote:
> >Ok, riddle me this:
> >
> >If I have PostgreSQL set to log to syslog facility LOCAL0, and a 
> >local0.none on /var/log/messages and local0.* to /var/log/pgsql (assuming 
> >only one postmaster, unfortunately) then you get a flat file.
> The problem is that sysloging has more overhead than a plain append to a 
> file.  There are some very strict response time AppServer applications 
> where we want to keep this things out of the picture.

I thought it was an advantage to say "log to that box running syslog over
there and leave my disk alone" - what do you have in mind with "AppServer
applications" ?

> It may be desirable to logrotate them at different times as well, so 
> they would have to be in different files.

syslogd with newsyslog, just like any other log file? I must be missing
something.. I don't see why postgresql is different..



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TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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