Andrew, Tom:

This will be a really nice feature for those of us with PG servers that 
participate in VPNs.    Currently I'm blocking certain interfaces using 
pg_hba.conf but would prefer a "listen" address instead.

Of course, the drawback to this is that confused DBAs will have their 
pg_hba.conf conflict with their postgresql.conf, and cut off all access to 
the DB.  But I don't know how we can protect against that.

Might I suggest that this default to "" in postgresql.conf.sample?   
This is a reasonably safe default, and would allow us to use the same default 
for Windows as for other OSes.   It would also eliminate about 15% of the 
questions I get on a weekly basis from PHP users. ("uncomment the line 
tcpip_sockets ...").

If I had time, I would also love to see setting the password for the postgres 
user become part of the initdb script.  However, I can see that this wouldn't 
work with packages.

Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

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