Dear Tom,

> > . All guc variables are described in static structures initialized at
> > loadtime. if it is to be extendable, it means that you have break this,
> No, you don't.

Well, sorry, I'm used to show my lack of imagination on the list;-)

> > . There is also a dynamic sorted array that allows to find all variables
> > descriptions independently of their type, with a binary search.
> The idea was to provide an API that would allow insertion of new entries
> into the dynamic array.  This does not mean you have to reinvent where
> the static entries come from.

Ok. I understand that you suggest to Thomas that he should only touch
the search array to insert new pointers to guc description structures,
which may come from outside or be newly allocated, without touching the
existing static versions for internal guc variables.

Fabien Coelho - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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