Shachar Shemesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Ok. How about an official patch against 7.4.2 that fixes it, so that 
> packagers can make their own informed decision.

The "official patch" is available to anyone who wants it from our CVS

BTW, all the principal packagers read this list and have doubtless made
their informed decisions already ...

> Also, has anybody checked what other versions are affected?

Nothing before 7.4, at least by the known implications of this issue.
Again, if we wait a while and let Ken keep running his analysis tool,
he might turn up other stuff we need to fix.  Maybe even stuff that
needs a fix much worse than this does.

>>>Industry practices dictate that we do issue SOMETHING now. The bug is 
>>>now public, and can be exploited.

I frankly think that this discussion is emblematic of all the worst
tendencies of the security community.  Have you forgotten the fable
about the boy who cried "wolf"?  If you demand a Chinese fire drill
for every issue that could conceivably be exploited, you'll soon find
yourself unable to get peoples' attention for problems that are really

I repeat: in my estimation this is not a bug that needs a fix yesterday.
AFAICS it would be very difficult to cause more than a nuisance DOS with
it, and there are plenty of other ways for authenticated database users
to cause those.

                        regards, tom lane

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