Greg Stark schrieb:
Christopher Browne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
- The alternative _I_ would most like would be to deploy web apps
 in Lisp, but I never have the "round tuits" to get into that
 very far...

If you find any tuits sometime you might want to check out Per Bothner's Kawa.
It's a scheme implementation that compiles to java bytecode.

Web pages seem to be one of the applications it's being used for. And I must
say, every time I work with html I do find myself wishing I working in a
language with real macros...

But scheme is just scheme. Most people tend to prefer the real thing (Common Lisp) after some time. Esp. when there arose so many new webapps for common lisp lately. See
That's a bit more then any scheme can offer, and it's based on an industry standard, in contrary to the existing 100 scheme implementations, which all do it differently on the corner edges. (culprit: tiny standard)

Personally I still prefer PHP, because it's a nice package (in contrary to perl) and I can hire more and cheaper dildo's to maintain it then. Manager's prefer that.
Reini Urban

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