Tom Lane schrieb:
Andrew Dunstan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Shown below is an extract from the traces of make installcheck in contrib. It is decorated with some extra traces I built into src/port/dirmod.c::rmtree(). It shows quite reproducible failure of rmtree(), mostly at the rmdir calls, but even more worryingly there are consistent unlink failures also.

I kinda suspect that what you are looking at is a problem with the
delayed-unlinking feature that we built to cope with Windows' inability
to unlink open files, ie, it's being a little too slow to do the
unlinks.  Would you refresh my memory about exactly where and when the
unlink happens if the initial try fails?

You can have a look into the cygwin sources how we do that :) kinda problematic.

in short:
if the return status of DeleteFileA() is ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION, defer deletion until the end of the process.
but win95 reports ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED and not ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION as NT does.

Reini Urban

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
     joining column's datatypes do not match

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