Greg Stark wrote:

What purpose is there to returning both columns to the outer query? The
columns become effectively inaccessible. There's no syntax for disambiguating
any reference.

I think postgres should treat the second alias as hiding the first. Currently
there's no way to selectively override a single output column. The only way to
do is to put your query in a subquery and list every single output column
again except the one you want to override.

Note that I'm not saying Postgres should remove ambiguous columns from
different tables for the inner query. Only for subsequent layers where they
have no way to access them anyways.

Please don't. JDBC (for example) has no problem with ambiguous columns, you just access them by index, and you have resultset metadata available if you want to implement your own rules for finding those indexes. It sounds like your problem really lies in the API you are using to access the results.


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