Richard Poole wrote:

Indeed. It would be Perlish to have some magic so that when you called
one PL/Perl function from another you could return an array ref from
the inner one and have it Do What You Mean in the outer one, too.

There is no way to have one plperl function call another directly - they are anonymous and a reference to them is not stored anywhere accessible inside the perl interpreter. The only place the reference is stored is in a table on the C side of the plperl glue code.

This is an architectural limitation that is not easily overcome.

Back to the original suggestion - I would like to have a lot more magic that maps between perl hashrefs and postgres composites, and between perl arrayrefs and postgres arrays. A plperl programmer should ideally never have to construct or deconstruct the text representation of an array or a composite. That will have to be looked at after this release - we only just hit the feature freeze cutoff with what we have now, which is why a few warts are coming to light.



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