Andrew Dunstan schrieb:
I have implemented several requested improvements, which I hope will prove useful. Since this whole piece of work exists for the benefit of the pg developers, I'm posting some info here.

The latest version includes these features:

. the log page shows the system type near the top "OS/Compiler/Architecture"
. the log page shows the script configuration data (other than the password) and including the script version number
. the changed files list(s) on the log page include CVS revision numbers.

An example showing all these can be seen at

Constructive comments welcome as always.


What I also miss is the successful output of the make test step.

Something like the Log in "Details", just behind an additional request.
"Config" =>
  Link to "Details"

Without those details one doesn't trust the presented result.
He might think that only the build was successful, and not the make test step also.
People I redirect to this page from other projects, not reading the status pages everyday.
Reini Urban

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