On Jan 7, 2005, at 4:35, Andrew Dunstan wrote:

The buildfarm is a dashboard application - when everything is OK you want it to show all green. If that's not a goal, then some redesign is appropriate. Perhaps buildfarm needs its own test suite, rather than leveraging those in the distribution, although that would be a pity, to say the least.

What would you think about setting up a few columns to show the results of the various stages, rather than just the single result? Each row might get a little long, but then you can easily see if the other stages (beyond the first problem) work as well. I've been trying to think of a way to shorten the system information, but haven't thought of anything wonderful yet.


Michael Glaesemann
grzm myrealbox com

---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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