
> or 2.6.x ... in fact it's almost impossible to tell what might be
> installed on a Gentoo system, or how it was compiled. So I'm really not
> sure how we should treat such systems.

Distribution, General OS, Kernel Version, Other Info
SuSE            Linux           2.6.8-7 64-Bit
MS              Windows XP              SP2

Also, I think you should be recording the compile-time switches used on each 
machine and indexing them indivdually.   I'd hate to find out that, for 
example, we'd broken --with-odbc and didn't know it because nobody in the 
buildfarm was using it.

> Second is the fact that systems change over time. People upgrade their
> machines. I'm considering a facility to allow people to change the
> <os-version,compiler-version> aspects of their registered personality -
> these will become essentially timestamped pieces of information, so
> we'll still be able to tie a set of values to a history item.

Yes ... actually, a quick (and automated) reminder e-mail once a month 
wouldn't hurt.   And this machine registration info could be kept as a config 
file in the Buildfarm directory, for ease of update, and sent in with the 
buildfarm results.

> Fourth, there are some significant gaps in the buildfarm coverage. I am

I've a few responses from the PWN, such as a YDL machine on PPC4.  I'll be 
passing these people along this week.

> Finally, a volunteer or two to help me with both running and
> administering this would be great. Knowledhge of perl and Template
> Toolkit a decided advantage.

I can help with the people end of things, but my web skills suck.

Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

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