
> If everyone else is OK with having it fail, that is fine with me, but I
> wanted to make sure folks saw this was happening. ÂI basically saw no
> discussion that we were disabling that syntax. Â[CC moved to hackers.]

I believe we hashed this out when we added add_missing_from back in 7.3.

In any case, yes, making that kind of query fail is intentional.  So it should 
go in the release notes as a warning.  Suggested text:

add_missing_from now defaults to "true".  This means that queries such as the 
SELECT pg_class.*;
DELETE FROM table_1 WHERE = table_1.key AND table_2.col3 = TRUE;
... will no fail with default settings.   Either set add_missing_from to TRUE 
to re-enable them, or modify your application to support the correct syntax, 
such as the new DELETE FROM ... USING (see below).

Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

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