
> 1.  There is not a whole lot of stuff that cannot be directly stored in
> the INFORMATION_SCHEMA location without modifying it.

See Andrew's post.  There is a whole lot of stuff not covered by I_S in a way 
that is useful to PGSQL users.  Also this would require making 
information_schema part of the default user path.

> 2.  Almost all of the information that cannot fit will be useful to
> other database systems as well, and should be suggested to the ANSI/ISO
> committee.  Since INFORMATION_SCHEMA is a very new idea (only two
> adopters that I know of so far) I expect it will need to grow and
> PostgreSQL could be one of the contributors.  Whether the enhancements
> are accepted or not, it would be good to at least attempt to get them
> noticed.

I like that idea, actually.   

However, there's not a whelk's chance in a supernova of our suggestions 
getting read, let alone accepted.  But we could make the effort.  You 

> 3.  Of the fragment that does not fall under 1 and 2, it should be a
> carefully documented extension that lives in the same place
> (INFORMATION_SCHEMA) so that we know where to look to find it.


Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

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