
> In addition to package support in plpgsql, it would be really handy to
> have inline plpgsql.  Likewise, I think there are others who feel this
> way as-well.

I think a number of people would be interested in this.   However, your 
biggest development issue, as I've been told, is that the Pl/pgSQL parser 
isn't nearly as mature as the SQL parser.   So an overhaul of the PL/pgSQL 
backend code would need to precede any merger of the two parsers.

Also, take a look at the "pl/pgsql enabled by default" thread on this mailing 
list for security concerns.   These security concerns would be much more 
significant if plpgsql were automatically available on the command line.   As 
such, you'd need to make building it in to the SQL command line a 
compile-time option so that security-conscious admins could disable it if 
they want to.

Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

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TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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